Repeat breeding 'Rose' BISS AM/CAN GR CH GraytSky Ansons RoyalFlushBlush CD and 'Clay' BIS/BISS CH Bzyfeet American Idol BROM. SCORCH, Feb 1, 2010 was a resident of RoseWin Weimaraners getting his Canadian Championship with limited showing before flying to be with his new owner, Sue Shrigley of Tasmania, Australia. Go to GHOSTWIND WEIMARANERS Web Site to follow Scorch's career in show and accomplishments as well as his upcoming PROGENY showing in 2012.
Another PROUD as PUNCH moment for us is another Qualifier - GHOSTWIND You Are A Star - MAPLE for POTY. We are so Proud to own her and she is Expertly Presented by Jodie Delacourt. Winner of Multi Class in Show & Class in Groups. Still a baby 10 1/2 months old.
Our Beautiful Star - GHOSTWIND You Are A Star - Maple. Puppy of Breed for her 1st show 2014 ♥ —
Our Beautiful Star - GHOSTWIND You Are A Star - Maple. Puppy of Breed for her 1st show 2014 ♥
Our Stunning MAPLE - Ghostwind You Are A Star is 11 months today..OMG time has flown. Another beauty with immaculate manners when we have visitors, soft and gentle around the babies and lovely temperament fitting in with our CRUISENIF household. she has since had multiple Class in Group wins & In Class show wins, the biggest taking out Best Baby Puppy In Show at DogsNSW Royal Canin Spring Fair.