LENYX and his owner, Michelle
Sharing the garden swing
All in a row, on the swing left -> right is Scorch, Rose, Lily, Cervelo with Winston in front. No room on the swing for this big boy.

Another shift of the weims as Scorch again decides to swing the swing squishing both the girls, Lily and Rose.
All is calm...for a few minutes.
The weim row on the swing has changed left -> right, Scorch, Lily, Cervelo and Rose.
HOT day = pool time
This is the first introduction to a swimming pool. Of course all have to investigate this super big drinking bowl which was sampled more than once.
Enticing the weims to enter the pool by throwing some of their toys into the pool.
Rose was first to get the ball out of the pool
Max, our Chesapeake bay retriever was going to go for the ball if Rose doesn't beat him to it ! Scorch hung around the pool having an occasional drink or two.